
Eve's Story: Remastered - Chapter Ten

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- 16th December, 1846 -

Legion pulled the door to Ddraig's study shut as he entered the room. "So, you wanted to speak with me?" he asked.
Ddraig nodded. Three days had passed since Ddraig's visit to the Temple with Eve, and despite Ignitus' words to him, Ddraig's mind was still in turmoil about what to do about Eve.
"Ignitus thinks I should adopt Eve." Ddraig told Legion flatly, hoping for a second opinion. Legion had been visiting his home constantly over the past year as a part of his efforts to help Ddraig find a home for Eve - to the point where the young dragoness affectionately referred to him as "Uncle Legion" - and as a result, he was quite familiar with the situation. Ddraig had even briefly considered suggesting that the young Guardian-to-be adopt Eve at one point, but he'd abandoned that idea after realising that Legion's current workload didn't leave him much time to look after a single hatchling.
"Why shouldn't you?" Legion asked. "You've been caring for Eve for more than a year now, Ddraig. A year! You've always kept her well fed and safe, haven't you? And I know she's happy here with you."
"I know!" Ddraig said. "It's just..."
"Just?" Legion asked.
"I'm scared I'll hurt her, Legion." Ddraig said, quietly. "I've got violent blood in my veins; you know that. When that workhouse manager came for her, I almost completely lost it."
Legion frowned. "But have you ever harmed her?"
"No, of course not!" Ddraig said. "But I know myself, and as long as she's with me, she's at risk."
"At risk from what?" Legion snorted. "You were just like this when you were at the Temple, I recall; claiming you were a danger to the other dragons there. And nothing ever came of that, did it?"
"Don't you remember the fighting?" Ddraig said, annoyed. "How I attacked those dragons harassing the Nature Dragons?"
"Every generation has their bullies, and those who stand up to them." Legion said, in a bored tone. "You were no exception."
"I was!" Ddraig yelled. "Fi-someone got hurt in the end!"
"Finnegan?" Legion said, raising his brow. "Are you sure about that?"
"I remember it all too well." Ddraig said, seething.
Legion frowned. "I don't think you do, Ddraig. That was an accident, and you know it." 
"I'm still the one who hurt him." Ddraig mumbled.
"Don't make excuses. I have yet to meet a dragon who wouldn't react in such a way to hear such devastating news about a loved one."
Ddraig tensed up. That was the day he'd learned of his mother's death. He'd been growing healing crystals with Master Terrador and several other dragons, when Master Ignitus had arrived with the bad news. He'd thrown the crystal he'd been growing at the wall in a rage...only for Finnegan to enter the room as he did. The crystal had shattered right next to his head, and exploded in a flash of bright light, and Finnegan had cried out and fallen to the floor, clutching at his face.
"You do know that he wasn't harmed?" Legion said, noticing Ddraig's expression. "A healing crystal can't do much damage to a dragon."
"Yes." Ddraig said, quietly, but it didn't make it any easier when he remembered Finnegan's screams vividly. What if it had been something worse than that that he'd thrown?
"Have you actually spoken to him since then?" Legion noted. "I think you'd be pleasantly surprised to hear what he's doing now."
"No!" Ddraig roared. "Did you only come here to remind me of my mistakes?"
Legion frowned. "I think I see the problem."
"Oh, do you?" Ddraig snorted; well and truly annoyed.
"I do." he said, simply. "You keep focusing on what might happen, out of fear that you'll hurt Eve in some way. You're not the dangerous creature you think you are, Ddraig."
"And what if I do hurt her?" Ddraig said, desperate. "What then? I could never forgive myself if I did!"
"So you'll just take the easy option, then?" Legion retorted. "Push her away and shut yourself away from the rest of the world, so that you can never harm anybody at all?"
"I..." Ddraig stammered. "That's not what I want-"
"Answer me this." Legion said, cutting him off. "Can you remember the last time you smiled before Eve arrived?"
Ddraig paused, unable to think of anything to say back. Like it or not, Legion had a point. Ever since Galen had died, he'd been living as a pariah, shut inside his manor and only emerging whenever his commanding officer ordered him to report for duty. He had no family to speak of, no friends to speak to, and every day was the same; dull and uneventful. He could tell himself that this was only a temporary phase; that he was going to find something new for himself soon, but it would be a lie. Until Eve came into his life, he had been just living each day as it came, with no plan for the future other than staying out of other people's lives.
"I...I don't remember." he said, weakly.
"I know you're afraid." Legion said, soothingly. "But you don't need to shut yourself away, Ddraig. You're not a danger to Eve, no more than you were a danger to me or Elwynn when you were at the Temple. You never were."
Ddraig went quiet again.
"She's good for you, Ddraig." Legion added. "She's helping you change for the better. You were never this open or outgoing a few months ago."
Ddraig sighed. "You really think I should adopt her?"
"Yes. I think you should." Legion replied. "If you're trying to find a home for Eve because you genuinely can't care for her, then by all means, find her a new home. But if the only thing that's stopping you is a fear of what might happen..."
"I know." Ddraig said, interrupting him.
"I'll take my leave now, Captain." Legion said, nodding towards the door. "One more thing, however." he added, pulling an envelope from his robe. "This was in your mail chute when I arrived. I imagine it's from someone interested in adopting Eve?"
He placed the envelope on the table, while Ddraig stared at it, incredulously.
"Consider my words, Ddraigtanto." Legion said, bowing his head. "Good day."
He opened the study door and exited the room, leaving Ddraig alone with the envelope. After a moment's silence, Ddraig went over to it, and opened it.

To Captain Ddraigtanto Ixeniejir,
My name is Copernicus Nharti, and I am writing in response to your newspaper article. I am the owner of the Nharti Delicatessen in Baltimor Plaza, and I live with my mate of five years, Ellaynor. We both long to start a family of our own, but sadly, we have just learned that Ellaynor is unable to have any children of her own.
If you would permit it, we would love to come and meet young Eve, and see if she could become a part of our little home. I can assure you that she would be well-loved and looked after, and our store is prosperous enough that she would want for nothing.
Yours sincerely,
Copernicus Nharti

Ddraig set the letter down, and rubbed his face nervously. He couldn't lie; these people sounded more than ideal, they sounded perfect. Legion's words to him still echoed in his mind, however. What should he do?
After a long silence, Ddraig sighed, and picked up a blank sheet of paper to compose his response.
"It'll be better for her this way." he said, his heart breaking.

*      *      *

Unknown to Ddraig, outside the door, Eve was listening. She'd heard what he and Legion had said to one another, and she'd heard what he'd said after reading the letter. He was going to try and get rid of her!
She ran up to her room, shaking like a leaf. She didn't want to go with some strange dragons; she wanted to stay with Ddraig! And she had a good idea as to what she'd need to do to ensure they wouldn't want her...
Here it is, the "Digitally Remastered" version of Eve's Story, originally written by :iconddraigtanto:, but now with spelling and grammar fixes, and new subplots and events designed to bring it more in line with his current work!

Previous Chapter: New Chapter Nine - COMPLETECHAPTER NINE: The Temple
"Eve, can you come out here a second please?" Ddraig called, knocking on her bedroom door.
"What is it, daddy?" Eve said, emerging from inside her room.
"I've...been thinking about some things." Ddraig said, unsure of how to begin. "Would you like to go for a short fly with me again today, Eve? I want to show you something."
"Okay," she said, nodding. "Where will we go?"
"It's a place called the Dragon Temple; it's just north of Warfang." Ddraig said. "It's a place of learning for young dragons. I went there myself a long time ago."
"You did?" Eve said, getting excited.
Ddraig smiled, nodding his head. "You're still a bit too young to start going there yourself, but we can still go and look around. And I can introduce you to 'the Guardians'."
"Ooh." Eve said, her eyes widening. "Who are they?"
"They're the ones who look after all the hatchlings who go there to learn." Ddraig said. "They looked after me when I was there, too."
"Can we go now?" Eve said, s

Next Chapter: New Chapter Eleven - COMPLETECHAPTER ELEVEN: Anger And Anguish
"Ah, Mr. and Mrs Nharti!" Ddraig said, greeting the two red dragons as they arrived. "It's good to meet you at last."
"And it's good to make your acquaintance too, good sir." Ellaynor replied. "Where is...?"
"Eve? As far as I know, she's playing in her bedroom." he said, gesturing towards her window.
"Playing?" Copernicus pricked up. "What sort of games does she like to play?"
Ddraig smiled. "Well, in the time I've known her, she's shown to have liked the odd game of air tag, but she also likes playing board games. Chess is her favourite."
"Chess?" Copernicus said, amazed. "She can play chess? At such a young age?"
Ddraig smiled. "She's quite a gifted dragoness, really." 
Copernicus and Ellaynor looked happily at one another. "Can we see her now?"
"Of course." Ddraig nodded. "This way, if you please."
"What else can you tell us about her?" Copernicus asked, as they ascended the stairs.
"Well, she's a fun-loving dragoness, and she's ver

Original story by :iconddraigtanto: - Eve's Story: Take Me Home...

A young dragoness, not even an adult, ran sobbing through the backstreets of Warfang industrial; in her claws, she tightly held a large, ruby red egg, wrapped in worn grey rags. Hurridly, the dragoness looked around, and saw a stack of boxes next to the grimy wall of a block of run-down flats (which, remarkably, still housed many underpaid workers). Continuing to sob in shame, and now guilt, the young dragoness lowered the egg in to box which sat in the top of the pile of boxes.
"I'm so sorry, my little angel..." the dragoness sobbed as she lay the egg down alone in the box. "I'll always love you..." she grave the egg one final kiss, before turning and running away into the night...
*   *   *
A black dragon walked down the streets of the Frostbite's Forge district of Warfang Industrial; an area known for its nightclubs, and its grimy flats and massive foundries. This was no normal dragon however, this was Ddriagtanto Ixenejir, one o

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AMCAlmaron's avatar
Huh, :iconddraigtanto:, I'd forgotten that I actually referenced Finnegan in this scene and had Ddraig knowing that the injury wasn't lasting...we must expand on that at some point; it's another case of that thing I was saying about Ddraig at last getting to move on from the nasty things from her past that have loomed over her and controlled her...